We meet at Marysville Baptist Church every Tuesday night.

Beavers Scouts from 6:15 to 7:15pm.

Cub Scouts from 6:15 to 7:45pm.

Scouts from 7:00 to 9:00pm.

Venturer Scouts from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

Any questions contact Scouter Cameron Dunn at 459-7960 or

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Outdoor Clothing

Please ensure that your child has weather appropriate outdoor clothes with them. Some of our Beavers and Cubs meetings involve short outdoor activities.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Beaver meeting Tuesday

We will start with a craft and then on to a co-operative scavenger hunt. Some beaver bowling and some more fun from Friends of the forest!! Remember to bring your dues to "Feed the Beaver"


Cub Meeting Tuesday

6:30-6:45pm Grand Howl lead by last week's top six, Inspection Announcement of Last Week's top cub and top six
6:45-6:55pmCompass or Captain of Ship.
6:55-7:00pm I will briefly introduce remembrance day and why we observe it and we will follow next week with more.
7:00-7:20pm Badgework/Craft
7:20-7:40pm 2nd Activity Last Week's top sixes choice.
7:40-7:50pm Spiritual Talk if we have a deacon or I will read a bit of the jungle book to the cubs
7:50-8:00pm Mouse Howl and then awarding of badges and then Akela meets with sixes and other cubs have some free time to talk to leaders about badges etc


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Intensive Leader Training This Weekend!!

Congratulations to all the Leaders that completed their WoodBadge 1 Training. Drew, Troy, Jim, Steve and Dawn!!!
This is an intensive course involving many hours of personal commitment. It included Gilwell 1 a full evening of core sessions for Scouters. As well they all did a full day from 8am until 6pm of classes and activities this past weekend. These classes and courses help them gain a better understanding of the programs used in Scouting and also leadership principles in Cubs and Beavers. Thank you ALL for your time and commitment. Lets see those Gilwell woggles!!!

Troop Scouter Peter Randall and Registrar/Beaver Leader Cameron Dunn.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Popcorn order and Prizes

Our popcorn order and prize order have been submitted. Thank you to all who made this a great success. Our final tally was $10,920.00 WOW!!!! Now when the order arrives we have to deliver the popcorn and collect any monies owing.

Cameron Dunn

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Scouting Life Magazine Article

1st Marysville Scouts Cubs and Beavers are featured on page 4 of the October Scouting life issue. The caption reads;

"Scouting groups around the country pay homage to our Veterans every Remembrance day. Last year the 1st Marysville and 14th Fredericton Scouting groups proudly marched in the Marysville Remembrance day Parade"

Monday, October 19, 2009


Craft and games as well as reading and other fun.....we'll tell each other stories about our big camp-out this past weekend. All beavers get the family camping Beaver badge for doing such a great job this weekend!!!

Cameron Dunn

Cubs meeting Tuesday

Grand Howl by the top six. Inspection and awarding points for sewing on your own sixer badge, Top Cub and Top Sixer from last week. We will be playing balloon volleyball as well as a special craft. Mouse Howl and Badge talk...see you there.

Akela Drew

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Yoho Cub and Beaver Camp

Thanks to all the parents who helped make this a great Camp!
And to all the Cubs and Beavers I hope all of you saw that we believe Lord Baden Powells words..... "The Scoutmaster teaches boys and girls to play the game by doing so himself. "
And to all the leaders who worked hard before, during and after it made for smooth running of the camp.....a great time was had by all!!!


Cameron Dunn


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yoho Scout Lodge Address

The physical address of the Yoho Scout Camp is 3566 Hanwell rd, route 640. The phone number is 366-3312.
If you wish to follow the Bus it leaves at 5:20 pm sharp from the church....however it is not the fastest thing on four wheels. I will be out at the lodge all morning to set up and will leave the gate open, I should be there to open the door at 6pm with the bus.

Cameron Dunn

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Popcorn sales Pop new Record!!!

We have blown the record for sales in the last few years out of the water. Congratulations to all of you!! $9700.00. We have a top Cub with $840 in sales and our top Beaver had $590. We receive %60 of this back for programs!!! Once again thanks for the great work Cubs, Beavers and Scouts!! And thank you to all the parents who braved the elements to go door to door with the kids.

Yoho Scout Reserve Sleepover

We have an exciting weekend coming up......Overnight at Yoho!! Camp starts at 6pm Friday and goes until 3pm on Saturday. Hikes, Campfires and Crafts as well as good food.

I have a small bus with limited space going from the Church. If you or your Child needs a ride the bus leaves at 5:20pm sharp.

The weather looks great for the weekend. It will be chilly outside so please send appropriate clothing. Looking forward to a fun Camp-out,


Cameron Dunn


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Popcorn Forms

In order for Cubs, Beavers or Scouts to be eligible to receive their prizes all Popcorn forms must be in by Tuesday the 13th of October. Have your child fill in the prize requested for the level they have sold on the side of the form. We will be placing the order on the 15th. If you can't have your form to us on that night please call or email Ringtail for pick-up or drop it in my mailbox at 141 Mason ave. We don't want anyone to be disappointed.

Cameron Dunn

Cub Investiture

The Cub investiture will be next Tuesday at 6:30pm. All parents are welcome to attend as this is a big moment for the Tenderpads. After the investiture they become full fledged Cubs. The investiture will be in the gym.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Scout Popcorn Forms

Anyone in need of more Popcorn forms can contact Ringtail at 459-7960. I brought in more forms as we have been going through them fast. I think we will be giving away a lot of big prizes!!! Also don't forget our first and second top sellers in each group receive special prizes as well.

Cameron Dunn