We meet at Marysville Baptist Church every Tuesday night.

Beavers Scouts from 6:15 to 7:15pm.

Cub Scouts from 6:15 to 7:45pm.

Scouts from 7:00 to 9:00pm.

Venturer Scouts from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.

Any questions contact Scouter Cameron Dunn at 459-7960 or

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We hope to be able to participate in the Jamboree on the Air this year at the annual fall Camp at Yoho Lake. Scouts and Cubs from around the world can get together online and on Shortwave during the weekend and chat to each other. Jamboree on the air and internet is a safe and fun way for the Scouts to talk to their peers and discuss fun and meaningful issues while learning new skills. Anyone wishing to help out we will be on the air from Early Saturday to late Saturday live from Yoho Scout Reserve.
Scouter Cameron Dunn

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helpful info for Beaver Parents!!

Drop Off and Pick Up Information
Parents’ co-operation with these rules is greatly appreciated. These rules will always apply unless parents have been advised otherwise.
Please drop your Beaver off at the meeting hall no earlier than 6:05 p.m. and pick him/her up at 7:15 p.m.
Please bring your child right inside the meeting space to ensure that Leaders are present. Beavers are not allowed to leave the meeting room unless they are in the company of their parent or guardian.
Please make sure that you sign your child in upon arrival and sign him/her out when you leave. A sign-in/out sheet will be on the table inside the door for this purpose.
Clothing for Meetings
Parents can help by ensuring that their child arrives properly prepared for the program and activities scheduled for the evening or outing.
Beavers should arrive at the meeting facility wearing their full uniform. It would be appreciated if parents help instill in the Beavers a sense of pride in their uniform.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Meeting and Popcorn Kickoff!!

Our first meeting is September 21st at 6:15pm for all sections. We will start the year with a fun and funny time at our annual Popcorn Kickoff, Funny skits by Akela and Ringtail...videos and of course popcorn and treats!! See what we have in store for you this year with new prize packages and the Marshmallow Crossbow!!

Please attend and receive your forms and prize sheets...

Please Note;
Beavers will meet 6:15 to 7:15pm from now on.
Cubs meet from 6:15 to 7:45pm from now on.
Scouts meet from 6:30 to 8:30pm from now on.

Scouter Dunn

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fall Registration!!

As we all know this summer has been absolutely wonderful. I even feel bad reminding everyone that its almost time to go back to school...and register for another FUN year of Scouting!!!

Scouts Cubs and Beavers Registration nights are this Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9pm both evenings. Those that were with us last year need only bring a cheque or cash made out to 1st Marysville Scout Group. Any new Scouts, Cubs or Beavers will need to fill out a form on arrival.

Yours in Scouting,

Scouter Cameron Dunn